Uncategorized APIClass ObjectFace ClassOn this pageFace Class Description: A record provides functions of creating instances of the Face component with different configurations. Usage: local Face = require("Face")local faceA = Face("Image/file.png")local faceB = Face(function() return Sprite("Image/file.png")end)faceA:toNode():addTo(entry)faceB:toNode():addTo(entry) __call Type: Metamethod. Description: Creates a new Face definition using the specified attributes. Signature: metamethod __call: function( self: FaceClass, faceStr: string, point?: Vec2 --[[Vec2.zero]], scale?: number --[[1.0]], angle?: number --[[0.0]] ): Face Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionfaceStrstringA string for creating the Face component.Could be 'Image/file.png' and 'Image/items.clippointVec2[optional] The position of the Face component, default is Vec2.zero.scalenumber[optional] The scale of the Face component, default is 1.0.anglenumber[optional] The angle of the Face component, default is 0.0. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFaceThe new Face component. __call Type: Metamethod. Description: Creates a new Face definition using the specified attributes. Signature: metamethod __call: function( self: FaceClass, createFunc: function(): (Node), point?: Vec2 --[[Vec2.zero]], scale?: number --[[1.0]], angle?: number --[[0.0]] ): Face Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncreateFuncfunctionA function that returns a Node representing the Face component.pointVec2[optional] The position of the Face component, default is Vec2.zero.scalenumber[optional] The scale of the Face component, default is 1.0.anglenumber[optional] The angle of the Face component, default is 0.0. Returns: Return TypeDescriptionFaceThe new Face component.